Setting a computer object encryption type using ARS Management Shell

Hey all.

With native AD commandlets, we can set computer encryption type using Set-ADcomputer, for example

Set-ADComputer -Identity fooComputer -KerberosEncryptionType AES256

However, I'm not sure how achieve this with Set-QADComputer, I tried the following, with no joy...

Set-QADComputer -Identity fooComputer -ObjectAttributes @{KerberosEncryptionType='AES256'}

Any ideas on how set this, and other UAC values using the ARS management shell?

Many thanks,


  • Is that the correct name for the Kerberos property?  Your Set- seems OK - what happened?  

    As far as UAC goes, there are various virtual attributes that support this but depending on what you need, there are also default switches:

    Set-QADUser -Identity $Myuser -PasswordNeverExpires $true -UserMustChangePassword $true

    What other UAC values are you interested in?

  • Is that the correct name for the Kerberos property?  Your Set- seems OK - what happened?  

    As far as UAC goes, there are various virtual attributes that support this but depending on what you need, there are also default switches:

    Set-QADUser -Identity $Myuser -PasswordNeverExpires $true -UserMustChangePassword $true

    What other UAC values are you interested in?

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