list all in-use Virtual Attributes

Hi all. im new to ActiveRoles and have been reading a lot of documentations and played around. but one thing that i cant seem to find any information is on Virtual (Custom) Attributes.

Is there a way that i can list or pull all the Virtual Attributes and see where they are been used.? 

  • Anyone. the reason im asking is because we have some Virtual Attributes where i cant seem to find where they are used or any logic behind it. and therefor need a way to map them. again. im still new and got the "ownership" after the person that build the system left the company . 

  • Anyone. the reason im asking is because we have some Virtual Attributes where i cant seem to find where they are used or any logic behind it. and therefor need a way to map them. again. im still new and got the "ownership" after the person that build the system left the company . 

  • Hi,

    In the Active Roles Console you can look in Configuration | Server Configuration | Virtual Attributes.

    There you will see a list of Virtual Attributes that exist on that instance of Active Roles. Note that most are related to Active Roles specific features such as Azure and typically not used by customers.

    In addition to pre-created ones, customers can create Virtual Attributes as desired and so you may have several created by your predecessors. If you have company specific ones, you'll probably be able to tell by the names.

    If you want to see if any of these Virtual Attributes are in use, you would have to do a query against Active Roles to see if any objects have values stored in them, along with investigating within Access Templates, Policies, Workflows, and Scripts to see if there are any references to them. 

    I would recommend engaging our Professional Services team through your Account Manager for a review of your environment and also consider our training courses, which can be found here: One Identity University:

    Thank you,

    Daniel Bishop

    One Identity