Update AD users employeenumber based on csv file

I am currently using a workflow to update from field EmployeeID to EmployeeNumber.  Basically I am adding a letter in front of the employeeID to create employeeNumber.

Ex. employeeID "123456" become employeeNumber "A123456"

it working fine, but now I need to make sure they all have A+6 digits even if they have less than 4 digits in the Employee ID.

Ex. employeeID "1234"  should become employeeNumber "A001234" and not employeeNumber "A1234" 

  • 1 - on the workflow source I use updating criteria so only if employeeID is present 

    2 - in updating rules, I specify the csv (generated by powershelll script) and modify the "employeenumber" on the domain

    3 - I am trying the PS script you previously posted

    Now If I run the workflow, it want to modify the accounts with the text "Employee Identity longer than required length" whatever the number of characters

  • 1 - on the workflow source I use updating criteria so only if employeeID is present 

    2 - in updating rules, I specify the csv (generated by powershelll script) and modify the "employeenumber" on the domain

    3 - I am trying the PS script you previously posted

    Now If I run the workflow, it want to modify the accounts with the text "Employee Identity longer than required length" whatever the number of characters

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