Active Roles 6.9 MMC Console DCOM Hardening - is there an update available?

Is there an update or patch available for the ARS MMC console that overcomes the DCOM hardening Microsoft updates? We have a legacy setup as well as a 7.x setup where the MMC console works fine, so just trying to keep the 6.9 environment running for a while longer.


  • ActiveRoles Server 6.9 has been End of Life for many years. It is not recommended in any production environment. It was not tested with any modern Microsoft technologies and is not expected to work with any of them. There are no hotfixes available for ActiveRoles Server 6.9 to address any of the Microsoft changes made since that version reached End of Life status.

  • ActiveRoles Server 6.9 has been End of Life for many years. It is not recommended in any production environment. It was not tested with any modern Microsoft technologies and is not expected to work with any of them. There are no hotfixes available for ActiveRoles Server 6.9 to address any of the Microsoft changes made since that version reached End of Life status.
