Sync Service and MS Graph

'Curious if anyone has tried to implement MSGraph PoSh calls in a Step Handler?

I am seeing some weird behaviour where the same calls work fine when the script is run just in a PoSh window but the calls don't seem to work (yet also don't error out!) when run in a Sync Service step handler.

I am using a cmdlet from the Microsoft.Graph.Reports module (lesson learned:  make sure you get the latest version!!!!) to generate a CSV that is supposed to be used by a Synchronization Step.

The CSV never gets generated and as previously mentioned, the code doesn't throw any errors either (it's well "try/catch'd").


    I updated the code to report the actual error being reported by the operating system which pointed us to a problem with the certificate being used to access the Azure application we had created to support this process.

    This article ultimately helped us to sort this out by making sure that the ARSS service account had the certificate installed in its personal store.