Find accounts where UPN does not Match Email

There is probably an easy way to accomplish this but I'm having some difficulties.

Need a way in a workflow search to find any AD account where UPN does not match email address.   Can't seem to find a way to accomplish this using a filter in my Search activity...

  • I approached this by creating a first-level Search named "Find users with mail attribute populated", that looks for any user that has a value in the 'mail' attribute. I set the root OU for the "In" field and the Filter condition is "E-mail Address (mail) is not empty".

    Then, nested within that first-level Search is a second-level Search named "Search for nonmatchingupn", that is configured to use the results of the first-level Search selected for the "In" field. It shows "Found Object ("Find user with mail attribute populated")". The Filter condition for this second-level Search is "Logon Name (userPrincipalName) is not equal E-Mail address of Found Object ("Find user with mail attribute populated")".

    Within the second-level Search is a Report step to output some data and this seems to generate the desired results. See if this gets your the desired results you are looking for.

  • I approached this by creating a first-level Search named "Find users with mail attribute populated", that looks for any user that has a value in the 'mail' attribute. I set the root OU for the "In" field and the Filter condition is "E-mail Address (mail) is not empty".

    Then, nested within that first-level Search is a second-level Search named "Search for nonmatchingupn", that is configured to use the results of the first-level Search selected for the "In" field. It shows "Found Object ("Find user with mail attribute populated")". The Filter condition for this second-level Search is "Logon Name (userPrincipalName) is not equal E-Mail address of Found Object ("Find user with mail attribute populated")".

    Within the second-level Search is a Report step to output some data and this seems to generate the desired results. See if this gets your the desired results you are looking for.

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