ARSS Mapped Users: Need to dump MemberOf for each user into TXT

ARSS is configured between 2 ADs and I'm trying to dump MemberOf attribute for all mapped users into text file during sync wirkflow. groups are not mapped. I tried both scripts below but it just results in SIGNLE DN added to the file instead of MemberOf full array of DNs. So for 3 users I simply get 3 DNs added to text file of same single group. Any ideas?


foreach ($group in @($dstObj["memberOf"]))
$group | out-file C:\temp\TXT_1.csv -Append -Encoding Unicode


@($dstObj["memberOf"]) | out-file C:\temp\TXT_1.csv -Append -Encoding Unicode

Parents Reply
  • It's still the same result, my code #1 is fairly similar idea of foreach loop. It's like $dstObj["memberOf"] does not contain all memberOf DNs rather just one single DN of random group, one out of many. I ended up doing below code, just wanted to avoind binding to each user where ARSS should already have proper data in one of its variables.

    $User = [adsi] "LDAP://$($dstObj["DistinguishedName"])"
    @($ | out-file C:\temp\TXT_1.csv -Append -Encoding Unicode
