ARSS creating new AD Users: Attribute Conflicts handling

Should be a standart user provisioning scenario, it works in my LAB but perhaps better conflicts handling ways exist and I "over-engineer" it? When building workflow to create new AD users I'm basically handling two conflicts: Name and SamAccountname.

1. Name: I'm handling it under "Rules to generate unique object name" screen with 2 rules 1) Name 2) Script to add PREFIX

$output = $null

$output = "DUP_ARSS_" + $srcObj["name"]


2. SamAccountName: I'm doing it as Sync attribute rule where I query Target AD and add prefix if conflict on SamAccountName is found

$sam = $null

$output = $null

$objSearcher = $null

$ObjT = $null


$SDC = ""


$sam = $srcObj["samAccountName"]


$objSearchRootSDC = [adsi]"LDAP://$SDC"

if ($($ -eq $null)


            $output = $sam

} else


            #SAM Conflict check

            $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher

            $objSearcher.PageSize = 100

            $objSearcher.Filter = "(samAccountName=$sam)"

            $objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objSearchRootSDC

            #"distinguishedname" | %{[void]$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($_)}

            $ObjT = $objSearcher.FindOne()


            if ($ObjT)


                        $output = "DUP_ARSS_" + $sam

            } else


                        $output = $sam



