ARS 8 Upgrade advice

We have a 7.4.3 ARS setup running on 3 servers, administration, sync and database. We have bunch of workflows\PS scripts for user provision.  

We are looking at upgrading to AR 8 and would like get some feed back about what is the safest approach.

In-place upgrade should be the quickest but it might also be risky if something goes wrong. Setting up a new server with data migration is also an options but could not see too much reference about it on the admin. guide.

Any suggestion\advice about this upgrade?

Thanks in advance.

  • Any upgrade, whether it be inplace or side by side, creates new databases and involves an import. Therefore, the source databases are not altered as part of any upgrade which would allow for easier rollback in the unlikely event something goes wrong. Just make sure the DB's are backed up (which should already be occurring on a regular basis) and the encryption key files are on hand (that were created during configiration when Active Roles/Sync Service were initially configured).

  • Any upgrade, whether it be inplace or side by side, creates new databases and involves an import. Therefore, the source databases are not altered as part of any upgrade which would allow for easier rollback in the unlikely event something goes wrong. Just make sure the DB's are backed up (which should already be occurring on a regular basis) and the encryption key files are on hand (that were created during configiration when Active Roles/Sync Service were initially configured).

  • We did the upgrade earlier this year on our production. The configuration wizard didn't start as expected after the in-place upgrade. We also ran issue for script path being in different location after the upgrade. We had to contact the support to resolve all the issue. Fortunately, the support is very responsive and we have most of the critical problem resolved the same day we performed the upgrade.

    We will be performing the 8.11 tomorrow. Hopefully everything will be smoother this time.

  • Appreciate the information. Wild coincidence I have asked after 6 months the day before you do the upgrade! Please share in here any learned lessons if you feel comfortable.