Staged deprovision of user account


I'm just wondering if it is possible to disable the ability to delete a user account, unless it has been deprovisioned.



  • Command visibility options! Brilliant, thank you!

    One further question on the same topic...

    Could a workflow further apply granularity to this particular feature? I've been experimenting with that in our test env, but can't get it work...

    ... to use multiple if/else branches, examining edsvaDeprovisionStatus, one branch performing "Delete Object" if equals "1" ; the other performing "stop/break" (with notification "cannot delete" - not sure how to do that) if empty or not equal to "1".

    I guess workflow can't be used for this?

  • You can go at this a couple of ways:

    1) If / then else
    2) By looking at this property of the "Workflow Target" in the bottom pane of the start conditions of your workflow and screening out objects where the value is not '1'

  • Hey  ,

    I've been trying to set this up with the following workflow, with no success. Admin is still able to delete without first deprovisioning, via ARS Web. Did I miss something?

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