Trigger Workflow on Computer Domain Join


*Disclaimer* I am still really new to workflows, so I apologize if this is a stupid question or has been answered already.

I am in the very early stages on designing a workflow that would modify a virtual attribute on computer objects with a value that would then be used to update information in another system.

I believe I have figured out how to trigger the workflow if the computer object is moved to a different OU.

I am struggling a bit with how to trigger the worklfow when a computer is joined to the domain. The majority of our domain joins happen during our OS deployments automatically.

The domain joins happen directly against AD.

When I check recently joined computers, ARS doesn't show the account as being "Created", which makes sense.

Would there be another way of triggering the workflow on a newly domain joined computer? Maybe I could do it based on create date of the object itself?



  • I would create a virtual attribute that would tell you if the computer account has been "seen" by Active Roles.  

    Then create an Automation workflow that containing a Search activity.  The workflow can be scheduled to search for computer accounts (in a specific location - probably the Computers container) where this attribute is not populated.

    (If the Computers container is not practical, then you could also create a Managed Unit that would hold computers from various OU('s) you specify) that are missing your "seen" virtual attribute

    The workflow would modify the "seen" attribute and make whatever other changes are needed using an Update Activity.


    Automation Workflow

    Search Activity

    Managed Unit

  • Hey  ,

    In the Automation Workflow, I see you can run PowerShell scripts.

    My workflow right now will update a virtual attribute on a computer object based on certain criteria.

    Is there a way of accessing the target object (in this case, a computer object) from the workflow from the PowerShell script?

    Similar to how you can use $Request when you are using a script module and a non-workflow policy. You can easily access the parameters of the current requested operation.

    I created a new script module with a custom function, and I provide the $Request variable as a parameter to the function, but the contents of the function are not what I expected.

    It seems it contents information about the workflow itself, and not the target the workflow is processing.

    Are there any examples floating around that show how to reference the target object of a workflow using a PowerShell script step?


  • My thought was that you would use a Search Activity in your Automation Workflow to find and process your unseen-by-ActiveRoles computers.

    When you place a Search Activity into a workflow, any activity items placed into the (hard to see) delineated area immediately below the Search are executed against each object returned by the Search (like a for loop iterating over the returned objects)

    Here's a snippet of code showing how to reference the objects returned by the Search in a script:

    # Next line assumes you named the Search in the workflow 'Unseen_Computers"

    $CurrentComputer = $workflow.FoundObject("Unseen_Computers").get("distinguishedName")

    # Do stuff with the computer

    You can also reference the objects using the built-in, codeless activities like "Update" which would allow you to update properties (including virtual ones) of a found object.

  • Hey Johnny,

    I actually followed your instructions exactly (at least I think).

    • I created a managed unit that dynamically pulls in workstations that do not have my new "seen" attribute populated with TRUE.
    • I then created a workflow that searches in that managed unit for any computer accounts.
    • I then modify the "seen" attribute on those found objects.

    Using you same suggestion, I then created a second workflow that with the same purpose, except this time I am modifying a separate attribute

    • I created a managed unit that dynamically pulls in workstations that has my "seen" attribute as TRUE and my new "location" attribute as blank.
    • I then created a workflow that searches in that managed unit for any computer accounts.
    • I then modify the "location" attribute on those found objects.
    • After I update the "location" attribute in ARS, I want to connect to a 3rd party system via their API and update the computer account in the third party.
      • This is where I need to pass the found objects to a PowerShell script.

    Sorry for my poor explanation previously. 

    I think you gave me the information I need though to reference the found objects Slight smile

    Is there a way to explore the $workflow attribute to see everything that it stores?

  • It's not really well documented.  If you locate the SDK chm file in your Admin Service install and do a search on 'workflow', you will find some information there.

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