Exchange Connected Devices

Hi Team. 

So we use Change Auditor as well as IT Security search. We have some users who lockout via the Exchange server and it would be good to see what connected device may have been making the connection. It seems via both of them it is not possible.

So i was thinking that i could script connecting to Exchange and grab the connected devices for the user whos account is locking out. Now is there away to run a script and have the results presented within ARS WI itself? It would be something our Service Desk would execute and ideally having this info displayed to them would be beneficial

Looking for suggestions as well 



  • This could be accomplished easily enough with a bit of trickery in the web UI and a Change Workflow.

    I would suggest:

    Implement a new user virtual attribute (VA) called something like edsvaQueryExchDevices.

    Created a new Web UI Command  (property setting command) that sets this to TRUE

    Create a Change Workflow that waits for that VA to be set (i.e. by the Command) and then fires a script to query Exchange for the devices and places that information into another VA on the user (example: edsvaCurrentExchangeDevices) that you could then go and view in the user properties (you would add this second VA to the user properties).

    It's a little clumsy but I think it would get you what you need.

  • This could be accomplished easily enough with a bit of trickery in the web UI and a Change Workflow.

    I would suggest:

    Implement a new user virtual attribute (VA) called something like edsvaQueryExchDevices.

    Created a new Web UI Command  (property setting command) that sets this to TRUE

    Create a Change Workflow that waits for that VA to be set (i.e. by the Command) and then fires a script to query Exchange for the devices and places that information into another VA on the user (example: edsvaCurrentExchangeDevices) that you could then go and view in the user properties (you would add this second VA to the user properties).

    It's a little clumsy but I think it would get you what you need.
