Make a Form with 2 tab and one save button

I want to create a new form that has two tabs but only have a "save" button.
Today when I create the form and add the two tabs I have a "save" button on each tab.
I would like to have a "next" button on the first tab that would allow me to move to the second tab and have the save button only on the second tab.

Anyone know how to do it?

  • To the best of my knowledge, this is not available using "conventional" web interface customisation. E.g., if you look at the "The Forms Settings" section of the SDK, there is nothing listed in the properties of a Form or a Tab that permit you to control what buttons are displayed.

    Non-conventional options might include things like creating a custom ASP page, or leveraging the "managed code" capability - both of which come with trade-offs.