F5 VIP for administration service port 15172

I'm working with our F5 load-balancing team. They created a VIP and are routing TCP 15172 to the admin servers. I'm having trouble connecting 

Connect-QADService : Server not exist or could not be contacted

Are there any instructions specific to an F5 for ARS admin connections?

I am working off of this KB:


Parents Reply
  • Is it possible your F5 is configured to forward any/any?

    After talking it over here we pretty much gave up on the idea when the ports documentation was updated to include the high ports:

    Active Roles Administration Service:

    • 15172 (HTTPS) TCP Inbound
    • All high ports (1024-65535) on port 15172
      • Client machines randomly select high ports to use for outgoing traffic on port 15172 to access the Active Roles Administration Service.
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