F5 VIP for administration service port 15172

I'm working with our F5 load-balancing team. They created a VIP and are routing TCP 15172 to the admin servers. I'm having trouble connecting 

Connect-QADService : Server not exist or could not be contacted

Are there any instructions specific to an F5 for ARS admin connections?

I am working off of this KB:


  • Hi - i am guessing you want to add resilience for your Active Roles instance and be able to reference multiple AR servers with one connection string? 

    Have you considered using multiple DNS cname entries - 1 for each of the servers you want to connect to?  We present a subset of our servers like this and it seems suitable for our usages.

  • Yes, resilience, but more for consistency. We'd like to give our admins one VIP they can use to connect to ARS to run the quest cmdlets. Right now we give them the actual server names. So when an upgrade happens scripts across the lands start breaking (we are a large org). 

    We are probably going to go the DNS round robin route.

  • Yes, resilience, but more for consistency. We'd like to give our admins one VIP they can use to connect to ARS to run the quest cmdlets. Right now we give them the actual server names. So when an upgrade happens scripts across the lands start breaking (we are a large org). 

    We are probably going to go the DNS round robin route.

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