Use workflow script to modify Azure attribute of removed member (disabling)

Good morning

I am a beginner in ARS Workflows....

I have a use case where an account which is synched from AD on-Premise to Azure is disabled on premise and must be immediately disabled on Azure without waiting for next the AAD synch run.

i know how to script this with Ms.Graph but i don't know how to retrieve the DN of the removed member and transfer it to this script as parameter.

can you please recommend me a way to achieve this?


  • To add a bit to  's comments,  assuming the Cloud object is also being managed by Active Roles, you can force an immediate disable of the Azure object by setting the property  edsaAzureUserAccountEnabled of the associated on premises object to FALSE.

    This could be done using an Update Activity in a workflow or directly using Powershell like this:

    Set-QADUser -proxy -identity $MyOnPremObjectDN -AzureUserAccountEnabled $False

  • Good morning

    Thanks for your answers.

    As they are not synched thanks to ARS synch tool but by the default Ms one (don't ask me why but it is like this), edsaAzureUserAccountEnabled is not usable or i don't see how it can be updated

    this is why i would like to use ARS workflow that i have created (removed member of a group) to insert a script to disable the azure account associated to this removed member. inside the workflow "Remove member from group",
    step 1 => disable on premise member [Done and works perfectly]
    Step 2 => script to disabling Azure account (Synched by MS AAD synch tool)
    My question is:                 how i can retrieve the UPN of this removed member and use it in the script?

  • Good morning

    Thanks for your answers.

    As they are not synched thanks to ARS synch tool but by the default Ms one (don't ask me why but it is like this), edsaAzureUserAccountEnabled is not usable or i don't see how it can be updated

    this is why i would like to use ARS workflow that i have created (removed member of a group) to insert a script to disable the azure account associated to this removed member. inside the workflow "Remove member from group",
    step 1 => disable on premise member [Done and works perfectly]
    Step 2 => script to disabling Azure account (Synched by MS AAD synch tool)
    My question is:                 how i can retrieve the UPN of this removed member and use it in the script?
