Dynamic Group Query Not Getting All Users

We just started a demo of Active Roles 7.5 this week. So far, everything has worked as expected until today.

I created a few small dynamic groups representing departments and all users were populated correctly. Now I am having issues with a dynamic distro.

We drive a lot of our processes from the employeeNumber attribute in AD. I am setting up a distro that includes the value of AED in the employeeNumber attribute.The filter:

employeeNumber Starts With AED

I have even changed "Starts With" to "Contains"

The result is 145 users. 

When I run this in PowerShell:

Get-QADUser -IncludedProperties employeenumber | where{$_.employeenumber -match "AED"}

The result is 1593, which is the correct number.

I have tried the rebuild function several times with no effect. I've used the userAccountControl attribute to filter out disabled users, but it only made a difference of less than 10 when it should have been at least a couple hundred. However, I left it out for this troubleshooting for simplification.

I have closed the console on my laptop and launched it again. Same result.

I am logged on as a domain admin, and the service account used for administration is a gMSA that is a domain admin.

I have launched the console on the administration server. Same result.

I bounced the administration server. Same result.

All users that are targeted by this query are in the same OU in AD.

UPDATE: I downloaded this install package in early January when we started the conversation with OneIdentity. At the time I only remember seeing version 7.5.3. As I'm researching now, I see version 8.1 is out. Should I upgrade and try again? Or is this an issue not related to the version?