Populating a field on the Web UI using a script.

I am trying to set up a field on the Web UI to be populated when a computer object is viewed using a script.  For example: Users look at the properties of a AD computer -> script is executed, and the result is shown in a read only field.


  • One way this could be accomplished is the use of the onPostGet event handler. Review this in the Active Roles SDK as well as the following support article. As this KB article indicates, if not coded properly, this event handler should be used with the knowledge that it can be very taxing on the Administration Service and could cause slowness/unresponsiveness as objects are viewed.

    How To Populate a Virtual Attribute that is NOT Stored in the Database (4256736) (oneidentity.com)

  • Maybe I can give you more context on what i am trying to do.  I am working on a script to try and get the Windows LAPS password from AD.  Since the attribute is encrypted, I have to run powershell to get the value I am looking for.  This is my first script for ARS so no idea if I am even close to being correct.

    $machineName = $this
    function LAPSPassword($Request)
    $customValue = Get-LapsADPassword -Identity "$machineName" -AsPlainText | Select-Object Password
    $machineName.VirtualAttributes["edsvaLAPS"] = $customValue

  • I was hoping to have a field on the web UI that was populated from the scripts result.  I am not 100% sure how to do this complete so just taking it one step at a time.  

  • Here is the script I have so far.  I have added the virtual attribute to the web UI but still not getting any results.  I have set the Workflow to run on demand and linked it to the script below.

    function onPostGet($Request){
    if($Request.Class -eq "computer"){
    $machineName = $Request.Get("cn")
    $customValue = Get-LapsADPassword -Identity "$machineName" -AsPlainText | Select-Object Password
    $strAttrname = "edsvaLAPS"
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrname, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE, $customValue)
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrname, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, $strAttrname)
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrname, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_RELOAD_EPI_BY_RULE, $machineName)
    }#end request class
    }#end on get effective policy

  • Try changing the event handler from onPostGet to onGetEffectivePolicy. Also, remove the RELOAD_EPI_BY_RULE line and have those three lines resemble the following. This should result in the attribute being marked read-only and having a lightning bolt button next to it. The LAPS password will then be displayed once that button is clicked.

    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE, $customValue)
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, $true)
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED, $customValue)

    Also, in order for this to work, the script should be added to a Provisioning Policy and not a Workflow. The Policy should then be linked to the OU where the Computer objects reside.

    If you are looking for the customValue to be displayed without needing to click a button, then use the onPostGet handler as you have above and have these lines at the top of the function:

    if ($Request.class -ne "computer") {return}
            if ($Request.IsAttributeRequested("edsvaLAPS") -eq $false) {return}

    Then remove the three SetEffectivePolicyInfo lines and replace them with this single line:

    $Request.Put($strAttrname, $customValue)

  • Thank you.  That makes alot more sense.  I have made the suggested updated but now getting the error when I click on the lighting bolt:

    Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500

  • Thank you.  I was able to get past that error but get a new one after I click on the lightning bolt:  Cannot generate unique edsvaLAPS (edsvaLAPS) using configured rules. Enter this value manually.  How do I troubleshoot next steps?

    function onGetEffectivePolicy($Request){
    if($Request.Class -eq "computer"){
    $machineName = $Request.Get("cn")
    $customValue = Get-LapsADPassword -Identity "$machineName" -AsPlainText | Select-Object Password
    $strAttrname = "edsvaLAPS"
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE, $customValue)
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, $true)
    $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED, $customValue)
    }#end request class
    }#end on get effective policy

  • I take the line that is populating $customValue works outside of Active Roles and returns a value? You will need to account for Computer objects that may not have a LAPS password in AD, or an error occurs with the running of the Get-LapsADPassword cmdlet and $customValue is getting set to $null. Wrap the Get-LapsADPassword in a Try/Catch and after that add something like below, so that $customValue will always get set to a non-null value.

          if ($customValue -eq $null)
             # An error occurred
             $customValue = "An error occurred, verify that this computer is registered with LAPS"

    Also, to continue looking into this a little further, within the properties of the Script Module itself, you can enable logging under the Debugging tab. Enable the bottom, most verbose selection in the list, reproduce the issue and then come back to the Debugging tab. Search the resulting log file for "SET $customValue". A few lines above the SET line, you will see Active Roles running the PowerShell cmdlet and what it is setting this variable to. This could further help determine if data is getting returned from the running of Get-LapsADPassword.

  • Thank you for the information.  Did some more testing.

    1) Doesn't look like the lightning bolt icon is triggering the script.  Click and the debug log is empty.

    2) I created a workflow to run the scrip just for testing and the output is below

    WARNING: The names of some imported commands from the module 'ActiveRolesManagementShell' include unapproved verbs that might make them less discoverable. To find the commands with unapproved verbs, run the Import-Module command again with the Verbose parameter. For a list of approved verbs, type Get-Verb.
    <----  New Debug Session  6/9/2023 10:19:38 AM ---->
    <------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>
     <RunScheduledWorkflowRequest xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" dn="CN=Workflow,CN=Policies,CN=Configuration" isStartedBySchedule="false" xmlns="urn:schemas-quest-com:ActiveRolesServer" /> 
     <------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>
    Call:  Set-PSDebug -trace 2
    DEBUG:    1+  >>>> s8a4c23af-b8e7-42b6-adeb-fc2cd3ef4a40 'onGetEffectivePolicy' $Request
    DEBUG:     ! CALL function '<ScriptBlock>'
    DEBUG:   29+   >>>> &$args[0] $args[1]
    DEBUG:     ! CALL function '<ScriptBlock>'
    DEBUG:    1+ function onGetEffectivePolicy($Request) >>>> {
    DEBUG:     ! CALL function 'onGetEffectivePolicy'
    DEBUG:    3+     if( >>>> $Request.Class -eq "computer"){
    DEBUG:   23+  >>>> } #end on get effective policy
    <------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>
     <RunScheduledWorkflowRequest xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" dn="CN=Workflow,CN=Policies,CN=Configuration" isStartedBySchedule="false" xmlns="urn:schemas-quest-com:ActiveRolesServer" /> 
     <------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>

    Updated script:

    function onGetEffectivePolicy($Request){
        if($Request.Class -eq "computer"){
            $machineName = $Request.Get("cn")
            try {
                $customValue = Get-LapsADPassword -Identity "$machineName" -AsPlainText | Select-Object Password
            catch {
                # An error occurred
                $customValue = "An error occurred, verify that this computer is registered with LAPS"
            $strAttrname = "edsvaLAPS"
            $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE, $customValue)
            $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, $true)
            $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($strAttrName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED, $customValue)
        } #end request class
    } #end on get effective policy

  • The debugging information should start to be logged to the Script Module simply by opening the properties of the Computer object. As I have been guilty of previously, I would verify within the properties of the Provisioning Policy that it is referencing the correct script and that the Policy is linked to the OU of the Computer you are testing with.

  • Thanks Richard.  Wanted to confirm a few things:

    1) The virtual attribute edsvaLAPS is linked to the Policy Objects (Windows LAPS Password) under the Administration tab

    2) The provisioning policy (Windows LAPS Password) is linked to the script with the code below.  It is also linked to the OU that has the server and Virtual Attributes within the Policy Scope.  Parameters tab is blank.

    3) On the Web UI, I have added the Virtual Attribute (edsvaLAPS) to the Operating system tab of the Computers Properties.  It is set as an Entry Type Auto, Read Only and Syntax DirectoryString.

    I have rechecked everything and it seems to be correct from what I can tell.  When I check the field, it is still not showing any value.  I have also changed it to not require the lightning bolt.  I am sure I am missing something silly.

    function onPostGet($Request){
        if($Request.Class -ne "computer") {return}
            if ($Request.IsAttributeRequested("edsvaLAPS") -eq $false) {return}
            $machineName = $Request.Get("cn")
            try {
                $customValue = Get-LapsADPassword -Identity "$machineName" -AsPlainText | Select-Object Password
            catch {
                # An error occurred
                $customValue = "An error occurred, verify that this computer is registered with LAPS"
            $strAttrname = "edsvaLAPS"
            $Request.Put($strAttrname, $customValue)
        } #end request class

  • Thanks Richard.  Wanted to confirm a few things:

    1) The virtual attribute edsvaLAPS is linked to the Policy Objects (Windows LAPS Password) under the Administration tab

    2) The provisioning policy (Windows LAPS Password) is linked to the script with the code below.  It is also linked to the OU that has the server and Virtual Attributes within the Policy Scope.  Parameters tab is blank.

    3) On the Web UI, I have added the Virtual Attribute (edsvaLAPS) to the Operating system tab of the Computers Properties.  It is set as an Entry Type Auto, Read Only and Syntax DirectoryString.

    I have rechecked everything and it seems to be correct from what I can tell.  When I check the field, it is still not showing any value.  I have also changed it to not require the lightning bolt.  I am sure I am missing something silly.

    function onPostGet($Request){
        if($Request.Class -ne "computer") {return}
            if ($Request.IsAttributeRequested("edsvaLAPS") -eq $false) {return}
            $machineName = $Request.Get("cn")
            try {
                $customValue = Get-LapsADPassword -Identity "$machineName" -AsPlainText | Select-Object Password
            catch {
                # An error occurred
                $customValue = "An error occurred, verify that this computer is registered with LAPS"
            $strAttrname = "edsvaLAPS"
            $Request.Put($strAttrname, $customValue)
        } #end request class
