Created linked admin account workflow

I'm trying to work out the best way of creating admin accounts that are linked to a standard account via a workflow.

I've created a virtual attribute called AdminAccountRequired and I've created a workflow that detects changes to the AdminAccountRequired field.

What I cannot work out is how I can copy the details from the standard account and update them for the admin account.  For example we need to prepend the samaccountname, first name, lastname with additional characters.  Ideally I'd like to update the manager on the admin account and link the standard and admin accounts (via a new virtual attribute I created).

Not sure is a workflow is the correct process or if I should simply create a script for this.

Any suggestions are very much appreciated!

  • If you use a Change Workflow to do this triggered by a (regular) user create in the first place, you have access to all the properties in that Request payload for use in the new object.  You can reference these in a built-in Create Object Activity as properties from Requested Changes.