PGV - Not Prov or Deprov

Hi Team 

I have four VA that i use on a users account and lets call them VA1 , VA2 , VA2 and VA4. I am looking to do something along the lines of a PGV but not have it kick in at prov or deprov time. 

Ideally, If VA1 is selected then i need away of making sure that VA2 , VA3 and VA4 are also selected / contain data. Is this possible? work flow maybe? 

Thanks in advance 


  • Have a look at the Active Roles SDK and search for 'Creating bound list-boxes'.

    This KB article also has an example:

    How to create a Bound List-box with 4 Levels (4244019) (

  • Thanks i am now sure that solution will work 

    One of the VA is a generalized time, two of the VA are directory string and one is a boolean. 

    Basically if the Boolean is selected i need to ensure the other 3 are also selected. especially the time VA as our SD are forgetting to set it. 

  • To check/inspect the values of properties as they are being entered when clicking Next (for new object) or Apply/OK (existing object), you can use the event handler onCheckPropertyValues.

    If this is something that only needs to happen when making a modification to an existing object, then you can analyze the value of InterestingRequestType and make logical decisions based on the type of request.

    # InterestingRequestType contains the type of operation being performed such as Create, Delete, Modify, Move, Rename...
    # Refer to the ARS SDK for more information
    $InterestingRequestType = [string]($Request.Parameter('InterestingRequestType'))
    if ($InterestingRequestType -eq $Constants.EDST_REQ_SET)
     # Insert code to run when modifying an existing object
     # Check if VA1 is set to true and if so check if values are set for VAs 2,3, and 4
     # Display an error if VA1 is set but no others are
     $Request.SetPolicyComplianceInfo("VA2", $Constants.EDS_POLICY_COMPLIANCE_ERROR, "This attribute must have a value if VA1 is set to true.")