Bulk group creation new-Qadgroup

Hello There,

I am a system engineer and we just migrated to One Identity, I an usually developping Powersheel script and never had and issue with any request, however now with Active roles management I am a bit lost, because it's has really specific parameters and attributs, does anyone have a test/working script for ARShell to create a bluk admin groups  (New-QADGROUP) ?

Thanks a lot.

The mandatory fields for group creation are:

  • Parent container
  • ManagedBy
  • Name


The mandatory attributes are:

  • Shortname
  • Suffixname
  • Application (for application groups)
  • Is there a reason you feel you HAVE to use New-QADGroup?  Is it because you are wanting to bulk create groups via an Active Roles server?

    Regardless, if you use Msft ISE or Visual Studio and do an import-module ActiveRolesManagementShell, if you start to edit a line with New-QADGroup, it will show you all the switches for the cmdlets just like it would for New-ADGroup.

    Also, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by your "mandatory fields" and "mandatory attributes" either.

    Perhaps you can clarify your use case a bit.

    We don't supply ready-to-run scripts here but are happy to help you debug one you are working on.Slight smile