Issue Pointing AR Web Server to Specific AR App server

We have multiple AR web servers..  On each web server there is a config file that list which AR app server that particular web server connects to:

c:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\8.1\Web\Public\xml

Typically we can change the AR app server name in that config file, restart IIS and then when users log into that AR web site, you can see its connected to the AR app server that we defined in XML file.

Our issue is we have one particular web server, that no matter what server name we put in that config file, it always connects to back to the same AR app server.  Is there some other setting that could be taking precedence over the value in that XML file?  

Its just this one particular web server having this issue, our other two, we can change the value in that XML file, restart IIS, and then that web server will use whatever server is defined in the XML file. 

Thank you.

  • To confirm that the Web interface is reading the XML file, I would suggest that you edit the file to insert an invalid server name. Recycle your AR IIS application pool, then your Web browser should show an error/failure to connect. If you don't get that failure, then that would suggest that the Web interface is getting its configuration elsewhere.

    Also, the syntax of that Settings.xml file is as follows:

    <!--EDMServiceType identifies type of using EDM service;
    0 - use local service,
    1 - use any available service,
    2 - use EDMServiceName service
    3 - use any service from EDMServiceName replication group -->
    <Connect EDMServiceType="0" EDMServiceName=""/>

    Also, is this how you're confirming which AR server the Web application is connecting to?


  • sorry I replied to this thinking that was the other question I posed, this is actually no longer an issue after we upgraded, its all good now, I will mark this as resolved, thank you!

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