how do I change the location of the logs folders

By default all the Active Roles logs are stored in c:\programdata\... or c:\program files\...  folders

Is there a way to change that location?  Thank you

  • Yes, this is documented here:

    Solution Title: How to enable Active Roles verbose logging
    Solution Number: 4360454
    Solution URL:

    By default, the log file produced by the Active Roles Administration service is named ds.log. The file is located in the Active Roles installation folder that defaults to:

    C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest One Active Roles


    C:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\7.x\Service

    This location can be changed using the LogPath registry key

    ActiveRoles Server 6.9: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Aelita | Enterprise Directory Manager

    ActiveRoles Server 7.0 and Active Roles 7.1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Dell\Active Roles\Configuration\Service

    ActiveRoles Server 7.2 and later: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\One Identity\Active Roles\Configuration\Service

    Value name: LogPath

    Type: String Value
    Value: Local or UNC path (including file name)

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