Permission to change password only for accounts he is a manager

Hey guys,

I need to create a managed unit with RPA accounts and within that managed unit, give password change permission to users who manage these accounts.
The problem: the person will only be able to change the password of accounts that he is a manager.
Does anyone have any other ideas on how this could be done, even if it's not done through a managed unit?

Thanks in advance.

  • There is a built-in Active Roles security principal "Manager" that you can delegate permissions to.

    Use that security principal to delegate the password change permission,

    Built-in Manager

  • Hello Johnny

    Thanks for the answer.
    My problem is that I can let the user change only accounts that he is the manager, he will be able to see all the accounts in the managed unit, but he will be able to change only some accounts.
    I have a similar process via the web, but in this case, I need to validate that the account that is changing the password is its manager. I would need to do an if ( $request.manager = quem_iniciou.dn ) but I don't know a way to get who initiated the request. There must be a way?

  • That's the whole point of my suggested delegation above - only the Manager of an account can change the password.

    That is, when Active Roles sees that the Manager is delegated access as I have shown you, it checks to see if the logged in user is the Manager of the account they are trying to change.

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