Disappearing Views

We have multiple front end web servers behind a load balancer.   Each web server points to a different AR app server.   If a tech saves a view, if they happen to hit another web server the next time they log in, that view does not appear.  Is there a way to replicate user views across web servers?

Top Replies

  • Hi,

    do you set the machinekey on each web server? This is needed, from my point of view.

    Same AR Config DB?


  • Thank you Ben for responding... can you explain setting machinekey on each web server?  All AR servers are pointing to same config DB

  • This issue is acknowledge as defect 419521. To my knowledge, there is no known supported workaround. That said, there may be some unsupported means by which to manipulate views by going into the databases PersonalSettings table. As best I can tell, there is a single record in this table for each user, and each user's views are stored in the settingValue column as JSON-encoded text. There is a Views attribute that contains an array of individual view objects.

    If one were so inclined, it would be possible to leverage this information to develop your own workaround. Granted it's a non-trivial effort, but it's possible.

  • Thanks Shawn for you comment.  Active Roles really needs to fix this issue...  We upgraded to 8.1.3 last night and its still an issue I can attest.  We are a very large organization with several webservers so its frustrating for many or our techs to have to re-create views over and over.  

  • Agreed. My suggestion is that you open a Support case and ask them to link your case to that defect. Hopefully that will improve visibility of the issue with product management.