New user custom form through webportal request.


New to this tool.

I want to create a new user or register an external user through a form that should be approved by a manager. what is the process?

how do I create a form through webportal>request?

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi  

    Assuming this is in Active Roles, and the OOTB "New User" form collects sufficient information for you to decide if a manger is required to approve a request, the easiest way to do this would not be via creating a form on the Web Portal/Interface (IE ARWebAdmin/ARWebHelpdesk) it would be by configuring a Workflow.

    Within the start conditions of the workflow, you'd define the operation which should trigger the workflow, in this case "Create User"

    The initiators conditions this workflow applied to, and what container(s) the object being created is in, in this instance Any initiator* anywhere in Active Directory

    Finally, any filtering conditions, in this instance I've added that this only applied to users where their description is External, you could have no filtering condition which means it fires on any user account create..

    * When I mentioned above "Any Initiator", by default this does not apply to ARS Administrators, you would need to go into the "Run As" options at the bottom of the workflow options and start conditions page and select Enforce Approval.

    Then it's the matter of adding the "Approval" workflow step to the workflow

    In my case, I also used an If/Else, incase I'm not enforcing the "Manager" attribute to be set, so if its empty approval would go to my manager (assuming its set), but if its populated it goes to their manager.

    However, you could just have an Approval step, if you enforce that Manager must be set, my approval set looks like the below:

    Hope this helps

  • Thank you for your detailed explanation regarding using workflows within Active Roles for user registration and manager approval.

    However, in our specific case, we are not using the Active Roles console. We are looking for a solution that allows us to create a new user registration process with manager approval without relying on the Active Roles platform. Do you have any insights or suggestions for achieving this outside of the Active Roles context? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • Hi  

    Are you not using Active Roles in the business at all? Or do you not have access to implement this type of change?

    Kind regards


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