How to Rename 'Other Properties' Tab in Active Roles Console?


I've made modifications to the properties window within the Active Roles Console and added a new tab named "other properties." Does anyone know how to rename this tab?

For reference, I've been using this Knowledge Base article:

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Top Replies

  • I believe that the suggestion by relates to customising the Web interface, whereas the original question pertains to cutomising the MMC console. To the best of my knowledge, there is no "ready" means by which to adjust these tab names in the MMC interface without significant effort. I don't have it in front of me, but I believe that the SDK does include some verbiage on customising the MMC. Doing that, if I remember correctly, would require creating a custom DLL that would have to be distributed to all of the machines on which the MMC is deployed. It's not something that I've ever even seen done before, so can't speak to it much more than that.

  • I believe that the suggestion by relates to customising the Web interface, whereas the original question pertains to cutomising the MMC console. To the best of my knowledge, there is no "ready" means by which to adjust these tab names in the MMC interface without significant effort. I don't have it in front of me, but I believe that the SDK does include some verbiage on customising the MMC. Doing that, if I remember correctly, would require creating a custom DLL that would have to be distributed to all of the machines on which the MMC is deployed. It's not something that I've ever even seen done before, so can't speak to it much more than that.
