delete group approval workflow

We are trying to set up a workflow that will require our service desk to get approval to delete AD groups.  I thought this would be fairly simple to accomplish so not sure what I am missing here.

I've got the work flow set up to trigger when any service desk tech tries to delete a group, the approval prompt pops up, they put in the reason and the request gets sent to their lead.  The issue is when the lead clicks any option, it takes them to a pending request page but the request is not there.  

Looking at logs, I see this:

ActiveRoles.Workflow.ArsTerminateWorkflowException: Approval rule activity has terminated this workflow instance.
at ActiveRoles.Service.Workflow.Activities.ApprovalServiceActivity.wQueue_QueueItemAvailable(Object sender, QueueEventArgs e)

which lead me to this URL:

Does this mean I cannot use an approval rule option to delete AD groups in a workflow?

Is there another (better) way to accomplish this?   Thanks

  • What version of Active Roles is this? Are there by chance multiple Change Workflows that have their Operation Conditions set on the deletion of groups? If this new group deletion approval workflow is disabled, and a service desk person deletes a group, do other workflows log events in the Event Log?

    I've seen this happen if there are two workflows for example configured for the same operation conditions. One workflow is set to send a notification and the other is an approval workflow. Both workflows will kick off, as indicated in the Event Log when a group is deleted, but the Operation Execution step will get terminated on the notification workflow by the approval workflow. But the approval workflow should still function as expected.

  • on version 8.1.3 (latest)

    We dont have many workflows and the ones that we do have do not do anything with groups being deleted, I went through all of them to be sure.

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