Workflow notification - Sending two emails

Hi Team. 

Looking for some help in trying to resolve a odd problem. 

I have a boolean VA that is exposed to our Service Desk on the WI. When they tick this VA it pops up an approval box where they fill out some details as to why this needs to be ticked. All good there. 

I then have a Workflow that is looking for the change to this VA and an Approval rule. This works fine. However i have added in a Notification rule as well  - Executing this activity - Person who requested operation (initator) to send the person an email with some info on who to contact and that its been received by the relevant team. 

What is happening is, 

Service Desk person ticks the box on the WI for VA , its then sending them an email. They fill out all the details for the request and click save and its then sending them another email. Is there anyway i can get it to email after they have completed the authorization text? 

Thanks in advance 

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