Which permission triggers visibility of "Exchange Properties"


because of a certain delegation I would need to make "Exchange Properties" visible to some user in ActiveRoles.

However, I haven't found out which permission is actually triggering this visibility. In The Web Form it just says that it is being displayed when the necessary permissions are granted.

I would not want to grant "Read All Properties", which would for sure solve it, so which is the permission that needs to be granted to show "Exchange Properties" in the list of available commands in the web interface?

Thanks in advance for any hints.


  • Hello, I am seeing that if someone is granted "Allow - Users - Read All Properties" then the "Exchange Properties" link appears in the web interface. If a "Deny - Users - Read Exchange Information" Property Set entry is added to this same Access Template, then the "Exchange Properties" link disappears. However, the reverse doesn't seem to be the case if there is a restrictive Access Template that contains "Allow - Users - Read Exchange Information" Property Set, the "Exchange Properties" link does not appear. Even if the "Allow - Users - Read Exchange Personal Information" Property Set is also added, there are no changes. There appear to be some additional attributes that also need to be allowed read for the "Exchange Properties" link to appear. I suggest opening a support case to see if these attributes can be identified.

    As an alternate approach, the Visibility properties on the "Exchange Properties" link can be controlled. Maybe consider exploring options here to control who can and cannot see this link.

  • Thanks for checking on that as well.

    Actually this is what I have already tried (including the support case) and support suggested to ask the question in this forum again :-)

    Actually I also don't want to play around with the current settings too much if not necessary, as it is productively used in many places.

    But to take that decision, for me it would be helpful to know what's the current setting in the background, as this does not seem to be documented.

  • Thanks for checking on that as well.

    Actually this is what I have already tried (including the support case) and support suggested to ask the question in this forum again :-)

    Actually I also don't want to play around with the current settings too much if not necessary, as it is productively used in many places.

    But to take that decision, for me it would be helpful to know what's the current setting in the background, as this does not seem to be documented.

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