Dynamic Group , Scheduled Task , Group Family

Hi Team. 

I had a need at the weekend to change the server on which all Dynamic groups are evaluated / updated from. In the past i have used the script below.

Can i script in the same way changing all the scheduled tasks and group family in the same way? 

Get-QADGroup -Dynamic $TRUE -proxy -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties |`
Set-QADGroup -proxy -ObjectAttributes @{'edsaDGOriginatingService'="$ARServer"}

  • Hi  

    Yes, there is an example script you can look at in the script modules (something like UpdateService.... apologies the name escapes me, and I don't have ARS in front of me ATM).

    The script can be used to upgrade Group Families, Dynamic Groups, Scheduled task. I believe (but can't remember) it does temporal membership too.

  • Hi  

    Yes, there is an example script you can look at in the script modules (something like UpdateService.... apologies the name escapes me, and I don't have ARS in front of me ATM).

    The script can be used to upgrade Group Families, Dynamic Groups, Scheduled task. I believe (but can't remember) it does temporal membership too.

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