Findout dynamic group configuration

Hi Guys,

I need to extract a the configuration (query) of a group distribution group / security group.

Can anyone help me to findout?

  • I wrote a script that extracts a Dynamic Group's query and runs a little parity check to ensure that the expected group membership matches the current group membership. I modified it to show the LDAP query that is stored in the Dynamic Group. I tested it with every scenario that I could think of, but it's possible that I missed something, so please don't be too concerned if a specific Dynamic Group does not "Pass":

    *EDIT Had to fix the report a bit, wasn't showing multiple queries configured in the same Dynamic Group.

    #$MaximumFunctionCount = 10000    #Running this might be necessary in environments with large Dynamic Group memberships
    Import-Module ActiveRolesManagementShell -DisableNameChecking
    #This function will filter out found members according to the current rules of the Dynamic Group and the "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups" policy
    function evaluateMembership($member, $excludeDeprovisionedUsers, $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag, $groupType)
        if(($excludeDeprovisionedUsers -eq $TRUE) -and ($member.edsvaDeprovisionStatus -ne $NULL)) #Check to see if the Dynamic Group is set to exclude Deprovisioned members and if the member is Deprovisioned
            return $FALSE 
        if(($includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag -eq '1') -and ($groupType -eq 'Distribution') -and ($member.msExchRecipientTypeDetails -eq $NULL)) #Check to see if the "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups" is configured to only include mail-enabled objects in a distribution group, check to see if if the Dynamic Group is a distribution group, and if the member is mail-enabled
            return $FALSE
            return $TRUE
    #Main function. Will take in one or more group names. To check all Dynamic Groups, use: DGChecker (Get-QADGroup -Dynamic $TRUE -Proxy)
    function DGChecker($groups)
    	[xml]$edsaAPEListXML = (Get-QADObject '84c1a76b-2a6b-4f4b-837a-22d2ccac777a' -Proxy -IncludedProperties edsaAPEListXML).edsaAPEListXML #Retrieving "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups"
            foreach($parameter in $edsaAPEListXML.APEList.APE.parameter)
                if($ -eq '71')
                    $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag = $parameter.value #Checking to see if "Include only mail-enabled users in dynamic distribution groups" is checked
        foreach($group in $groups)
    		$dynamicGroup = get-qadobject $group -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties member,name,groupType,accountNameHistory
            $actualMembers = $dynamicGroup.member
            $groupType = $dynamicGroup.groupType
            $accountnamehistory = $DynamicGroup.accountNameHistory
            $excludeDeprovisionedUsers = $TRUE
    		$expectedMembers = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $expectedMembersTemp = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    		$excludedMembers = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    		$expectedMembersShortList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $expectedMembersShortListUnique = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $searchRoot = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $ldapFilter = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
                return "The target object is not an Active Roles Dynamic Group or the account used to run this script does not have access to the accountNameHistory attribute."
                $excludeDeprovisionedUsers = $FALSE    
    		$correctedAccountNameHistory = $accountnamehistory.Replace('&','&')
    		$splitData = $correctedAccountNameHistory.Split('"')
    		foreach($entry in $splitData)
    				$conditionsList = $entry
    				$conditionArray = ($conditionsList.Split(']['))
                    $splitConditionArray = $conditionArray.Split(';',3)
    				for($index = 0; $index -lt $splitConditionArray.count; $index++)
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x1') #Parse out "Include by query"
    						$includeQueryScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    						$includeQueryLDAPFilter = $splitConditionArray[$index+2]
    						if($includeQueryScope -and $includeQueryLDAPFilter)
    							$includeQuery = Get-QADObject -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -SizeLimit 0 -SearchRoot $IncludeQueryScope -LdapFilter $IncludeQueryLDAPFilter -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,msExchRecipientTypeDetails -proxy
                                $searchRoot.Add($includeQueryScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add($includeQueryLDAPFilter) | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $includeQuery)
                                    if(evaluateMembership $object $excludeDeprovisionedUsers $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag $groupType)
                                        $expectedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x2') #Parse out "Exclude by query"
    						$ExcludeQueryScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    						$ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter = $splitConditionArray[$index+2]
    						if($ExcludeQueryScope -and $ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter)
    							$ExcludeQuery = Get-QADObject -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -SizeLimit 0 -SearchRoot $ExcludeQueryScope -LdapFilter $ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter
                                $searchRoot.Add($ExcludeQueryScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add($ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter) | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $ExcludeQuery)
                                    $excludedMembers.Add($object.DN)  | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x3') #Parse out "Include explicitly"
    						$IncludeExplicitlyScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$IncludeExplicitly = Get-QADObject $IncludeExplicitlyScope -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,msExchRecipientTypeDetails -proxy
                                $searchRoot.Add($IncludeExplicitlyScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Include explicitly") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $IncludeExplicitly)
                                    if(evaluateMembership $object $excludeDeprovisionedUsers $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag $groupType)
                                        $expectedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x4') #Parse out "Exclude explicitly"
    						$ExcludeExplicitlyScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$ExcludeExplicitly = Get-QADObject $ExcludeExplicitlyScope -SizeLimit 0 -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties
                                $searchRoot.Add($ExcludeExplicitlyScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Exclude explicitly") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $ExcludeExplicitly)
                                    $excludedMembers.Add($object.DN)  | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x5') #Parse out "Include group members"
    						$IncludeGroupScope= $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$IncludeGroup = Get-QADObject -SearchRoot $IncludeGroupScope -SizeLimit 0 -AttributeScopeQuery 'member' -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,msExchRecipientTypeDetails -proxy
                                $searchRoot.Add($IncludeGroupScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Include group members") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $IncludeGroup)
                                    if(evaluateMembership $object $excludeDeprovisionedUsers $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag $groupType)
                                        $expectedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x6') #Parse out "Exclude group members"
    						$excludeGroupScope= $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$excludeGroup = Get-QADObject -SearchRoot $excludeGroupScope -SizeLimit 0 -AttributeScopeQuery 'member' -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties
                                $searchRoot.Add($excludeGroupScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Exclude group members") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $excludeGroup)
                                    $excludedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
                    if($excludedMembers -and $expectedMembers) #Check for any exclusions
                        $comparisonShortList = Compare-Object $expectedMembers $excludedMembers
    				    foreach($item in $comparisonShortList)
    					    if($item.SideIndicator -eq '<=')
                                $expectedMembersShortList.Add($item.InputObject) | Out-Null
                        foreach($object in $expectedMembers)
                            $expectedMembersShortList.add($object) | Out-Null
                    $expectedMembersShortListUnique = $expectedMembersShortList | Sort-Object -Unique #Ensure that members are only present once
            $results = @()
            $obj = New-Object PSObject
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Group Name" -Value $group
            for($i=1;$i -le $searchRoot.count;$i++)
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Search Root $i" -Value (Get-QADObject $searchRoot[($i-1)]).DN
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LDAP Query $i" -Value $ldapFilter[($i-1)]            
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Actual Members" -Value ($actualMembers | Sort-Object -Descending)
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Actual Member Count" -Value $actualMembers.Count
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computed Members" -Value ($expectedMembersShortListUnique | Sort-Object -Descending)
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computed Members Count" -Value $expectedMembersShortListUnique.Count
            If($actualMembers -and $expectedMembersShortListUnique)
                If(!(Compare-Object $actualMembers $expectedMembersShortListUnique))
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "PASS"
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "FAIL"
            elseif(($actualMembers -eq $NULL) -and ($expectedMembersShortListUnique -eq $NULL))
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "PASS"
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "FAIL"
            $results += $obj
            $resultsReport += $results
    $report = DGChecker (Get-QADGroup -Dynamic $TRUE -Proxy)

  • I wrote a script that extracts a Dynamic Group's query and runs a little parity check to ensure that the expected group membership matches the current group membership. I modified it to show the LDAP query that is stored in the Dynamic Group. I tested it with every scenario that I could think of, but it's possible that I missed something, so please don't be too concerned if a specific Dynamic Group does not "Pass":

    *EDIT Had to fix the report a bit, wasn't showing multiple queries configured in the same Dynamic Group.

    #$MaximumFunctionCount = 10000    #Running this might be necessary in environments with large Dynamic Group memberships
    Import-Module ActiveRolesManagementShell -DisableNameChecking
    #This function will filter out found members according to the current rules of the Dynamic Group and the "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups" policy
    function evaluateMembership($member, $excludeDeprovisionedUsers, $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag, $groupType)
        if(($excludeDeprovisionedUsers -eq $TRUE) -and ($member.edsvaDeprovisionStatus -ne $NULL)) #Check to see if the Dynamic Group is set to exclude Deprovisioned members and if the member is Deprovisioned
            return $FALSE 
        if(($includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag -eq '1') -and ($groupType -eq 'Distribution') -and ($member.msExchRecipientTypeDetails -eq $NULL)) #Check to see if the "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups" is configured to only include mail-enabled objects in a distribution group, check to see if if the Dynamic Group is a distribution group, and if the member is mail-enabled
            return $FALSE
            return $TRUE
    #Main function. Will take in one or more group names. To check all Dynamic Groups, use: DGChecker (Get-QADGroup -Dynamic $TRUE -Proxy)
    function DGChecker($groups)
    	[xml]$edsaAPEListXML = (Get-QADObject '84c1a76b-2a6b-4f4b-837a-22d2ccac777a' -Proxy -IncludedProperties edsaAPEListXML).edsaAPEListXML #Retrieving "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups"
            foreach($parameter in $edsaAPEListXML.APEList.APE.parameter)
                if($ -eq '71')
                    $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag = $parameter.value #Checking to see if "Include only mail-enabled users in dynamic distribution groups" is checked
        foreach($group in $groups)
    		$dynamicGroup = get-qadobject $group -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties member,name,groupType,accountNameHistory
            $actualMembers = $dynamicGroup.member
            $groupType = $dynamicGroup.groupType
            $accountnamehistory = $DynamicGroup.accountNameHistory
            $excludeDeprovisionedUsers = $TRUE
    		$expectedMembers = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $expectedMembersTemp = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    		$excludedMembers = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    		$expectedMembersShortList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $expectedMembersShortListUnique = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $searchRoot = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            $ldapFilter = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
                return "The target object is not an Active Roles Dynamic Group or the account used to run this script does not have access to the accountNameHistory attribute."
                $excludeDeprovisionedUsers = $FALSE    
    		$correctedAccountNameHistory = $accountnamehistory.Replace('&','&')
    		$splitData = $correctedAccountNameHistory.Split('"')
    		foreach($entry in $splitData)
    				$conditionsList = $entry
    				$conditionArray = ($conditionsList.Split(']['))
                    $splitConditionArray = $conditionArray.Split(';',3)
    				for($index = 0; $index -lt $splitConditionArray.count; $index++)
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x1') #Parse out "Include by query"
    						$includeQueryScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    						$includeQueryLDAPFilter = $splitConditionArray[$index+2]
    						if($includeQueryScope -and $includeQueryLDAPFilter)
    							$includeQuery = Get-QADObject -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -SizeLimit 0 -SearchRoot $IncludeQueryScope -LdapFilter $IncludeQueryLDAPFilter -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,msExchRecipientTypeDetails -proxy
                                $searchRoot.Add($includeQueryScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add($includeQueryLDAPFilter) | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $includeQuery)
                                    if(evaluateMembership $object $excludeDeprovisionedUsers $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag $groupType)
                                        $expectedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x2') #Parse out "Exclude by query"
    						$ExcludeQueryScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    						$ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter = $splitConditionArray[$index+2]
    						if($ExcludeQueryScope -and $ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter)
    							$ExcludeQuery = Get-QADObject -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -SizeLimit 0 -SearchRoot $ExcludeQueryScope -LdapFilter $ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter
                                $searchRoot.Add($ExcludeQueryScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add($ExcludeQueryLDAPFilter) | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $ExcludeQuery)
                                    $excludedMembers.Add($object.DN)  | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x3') #Parse out "Include explicitly"
    						$IncludeExplicitlyScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$IncludeExplicitly = Get-QADObject $IncludeExplicitlyScope -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,msExchRecipientTypeDetails -proxy
                                $searchRoot.Add($IncludeExplicitlyScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Include explicitly") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $IncludeExplicitly)
                                    if(evaluateMembership $object $excludeDeprovisionedUsers $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag $groupType)
                                        $expectedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x4') #Parse out "Exclude explicitly"
    						$ExcludeExplicitlyScope = $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$ExcludeExplicitly = Get-QADObject $ExcludeExplicitlyScope -SizeLimit 0 -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties
                                $searchRoot.Add($ExcludeExplicitlyScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Exclude explicitly") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $ExcludeExplicitly)
                                    $excludedMembers.Add($object.DN)  | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x5') #Parse out "Include group members"
    						$IncludeGroupScope= $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$IncludeGroup = Get-QADObject -SearchRoot $IncludeGroupScope -SizeLimit 0 -AttributeScopeQuery 'member' -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties edsvaDeprovisionStatus,msExchRecipientTypeDetails -proxy
                                $searchRoot.Add($IncludeGroupScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Include group members") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $IncludeGroup)
                                    if(evaluateMembership $object $excludeDeprovisionedUsers $includeOnlyMailEnabledFlag $groupType)
                                        $expectedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
    					if($splitConditionArray[$index] -eq '0x6') #Parse out "Exclude group members"
    						$excludeGroupScope= $splitConditionArray[$index+1]
    							$excludeGroup = Get-QADObject -SearchRoot $excludeGroupScope -SizeLimit 0 -AttributeScopeQuery 'member' -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties
                                $searchRoot.Add($excludeGroupScope) | Out-Null
                                $ldapFilter.Add("Exclude group members") | Out-Null 
                                foreach($object in $excludeGroup)
                                    $excludedMembers.Add($object.DN) | Out-Null
                    if($excludedMembers -and $expectedMembers) #Check for any exclusions
                        $comparisonShortList = Compare-Object $expectedMembers $excludedMembers
    				    foreach($item in $comparisonShortList)
    					    if($item.SideIndicator -eq '<=')
                                $expectedMembersShortList.Add($item.InputObject) | Out-Null
                        foreach($object in $expectedMembers)
                            $expectedMembersShortList.add($object) | Out-Null
                    $expectedMembersShortListUnique = $expectedMembersShortList | Sort-Object -Unique #Ensure that members are only present once
            $results = @()
            $obj = New-Object PSObject
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Group Name" -Value $group
            for($i=1;$i -le $searchRoot.count;$i++)
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Search Root $i" -Value (Get-QADObject $searchRoot[($i-1)]).DN
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LDAP Query $i" -Value $ldapFilter[($i-1)]            
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Actual Members" -Value ($actualMembers | Sort-Object -Descending)
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Actual Member Count" -Value $actualMembers.Count
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computed Members" -Value ($expectedMembersShortListUnique | Sort-Object -Descending)
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computed Members Count" -Value $expectedMembersShortListUnique.Count
            If($actualMembers -and $expectedMembersShortListUnique)
                If(!(Compare-Object $actualMembers $expectedMembersShortListUnique))
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "PASS"
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "FAIL"
            elseif(($actualMembers -eq $NULL) -and ($expectedMembersShortListUnique -eq $NULL))
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "PASS"
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Dynamic Group Results" -Value "FAIL"
            $results += $obj
            $resultsReport += $results
    $report = DGChecker (Get-QADGroup -Dynamic $TRUE -Proxy)

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