how to migrate old environment to new environment

Hello Experts,

We have an old environment where below product is installled.

Active Roles
Change Auditor for Active Directory


Recovery Manager for Active Directory

Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition


What is the best way to migrate to new environment?

actually need to migrate users from old environment to new environments ,we need to migrate all tool settings to new environment and manage in same way.

any help will be appreciated.



  • Migrating an environment involves transferring user data, replicating configurations, migrating users, testing, and cutover. First, export all user data from the old environment. Then, replicate the Active Directory roles in the new environment. Next, transfer users from the old environment to the new one. Afterward, thoroughly test the migrated environment. Finally, schedule a downtime window for the cutover to the new environment and monitor its performance.

  • Migrating an environment involves transferring user data, replicating configurations, migrating users, testing, and cutover. First, export all user data from the old environment. Then, replicate the Active Directory roles in the new environment. Next, transfer users from the old environment to the new one. Afterward, thoroughly test the migrated environment. Finally, schedule a downtime window for the cutover to the new environment and monitor its performance.

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