Sync workflows, change value of a field2 based on presence of value in field

I would like to use sync workflow or just workflow to look for a virtual attribute.  If that virtual attribute is not blank then I would like to populate "Extendedattribute15" with a static value (in this case a number).

  • In the AR MMC, under Policy | Workflow, create an Automation Workflow and add a Search Activity to it.

    The parameters of the Search Activity should look for objects where <virtual attribute> = <your value>.

    Underneath the Search (the grey area immediately underneath), add an Update Activity that will write your static number into extensionattribute15. The way this works is that the value will get written to every object found by the Search. 

    Here's the reference to the documentation.

  • In the AR MMC, under Policy | Workflow, create an Automation Workflow and add a Search Activity to it.

    The parameters of the Search Activity should look for objects where <virtual attribute> = <your value>.

    Underneath the Search (the grey area immediately underneath), add an Update Activity that will write your static number into extensionattribute15. The way this works is that the value will get written to every object found by the Search. 

    Here's the reference to the documentation.

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