Hide Tabs - Based on OU


I have seen some info on hiding tabs on the user account based on access to attributes etc. Is it possible to somehow hide based on OU location? 

As an example. 

User A is in OU A

User B is in OU B but User B is a service account and as such sees all the same tabs that User A sees. 

Is there a way that if the account is in OU B that when its opened all the tabs are hidden that it does not need to see? 

Thanks in advance 

  • Just seen i asked a similar question a few years back. Jesus sometimes i start to work on something and then get side tracked. However the reply that caught my attention and is what i am trying to do now with OU is this 

    The first input form in that section 'Properties of the selected object meet each of the these requirements'  allows you to limit visibility based on properties of the object to be affected.  We use this to hide tabs for objects based on the OU the object sits in (using 'In Folder' property), or other role. 

     RE: Web Interface Tab 

    I see the In Folder property but what is the value? The OU name or DN path? its just not clear what it should be 

  • Just seen i asked a similar question a few years back. Jesus sometimes i start to work on something and then get side tracked. However the reply that caught my attention and is what i am trying to do now with OU is this 

    The first input form in that section 'Properties of the selected object meet each of the these requirements'  allows you to limit visibility based on properties of the object to be affected.  We use this to hide tabs for objects based on the OU the object sits in (using 'In Folder' property), or other role. 

     RE: Web Interface Tab 

    I see the In Folder property but what is the value? The OU name or DN path? its just not clear what it should be 
