Create AD account specific OU


Under customization / Organisation Unit i have created a new form for a creating new users. This form is specifically for Service Accounts. 

I have also created some Policies for setting samaccountname , First Name , Last Name etc that i have assigned to the OU where the accounts would in the end up living. 

My question is. Is it possible that when i open this new form no matter what OU i am in that it knows to create the account in the OU that i want it to end up in and also apply the policies assigned? Right now in order to have the policies applied i have to start the new user creation process in that OU. 

I did think about a managed unit but i guess that also needs the account to have been created first 

Thanks in advance 

Parents Reply
  • That makes sense because the "context" of the policies is based on where you are starting from.

    However, once the object actually gets created in the "right" place, the policies linked to that location should take precedence.

    The way I dealt with this problem for several clients is that I created a virtual attribute for OUs called (for example) IsSvcAcctOU.

    I created a custom "New Service Account" right pane command (associated with OUs under "Objects" under customization)  which only lights up if the IsSvcAcctOU."flag" VA is TRUE for the current context / OU. I hope that make sense.
