Workflow conditions

Hi Team. 

Having some mental blanks today. 

I have a VA on the users account that they will type a DeviceID in to it. The VA is a DirectoryString

Now what i am trying to do is this. 

1) Any text that is entered in to the VA then kicks off an approval rule. 

2) If there is already text in the VA and i want to blank the data that it just does it and there is no approval rule for this. 

I have tried a few things but all seem to kick in the approval rule on blanking the VA but not when putting data in. Any suggestions, i must be missing something., 

Thanks in advance 

  • Regarding Item 2 above, I assume you mean that if the Inbound request is blanking the VA.

    You don't really need an If to make this work.

    In the Start Conditions for the Workflow, just add an additional condition (at the very bottom of the dialogue) that says <VA from Requested Changes> is not empty.

    Then all you need is the Approval Activity as the workflow will only trigger if there is new text provided for the VA.

  • Thanks Johnny. I am sure i tried every setting but its possible i over looked this one. million and one things going on. However your suggestion has indeed worked. 

    Much appreciated. 

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