how to export the ARS objects in .arxml format so it imported in same file format.


I tried to export some of object from Active role console .It is exported in txt file as option available in ARS,When Tried to import ,it will take .arxml format.

How to export and import in same format .



  • Can you please explain what you are trying to export and why - there may be a better way to accomplish what you need.

  • I need to export the setting,policies,workflow etc ARS objects from existing old domain to new domain environment.

    Actually ,We have a scenario where there is ARS in old domain and managing the uses and domain computer ,Going to create create new domain and forest environment to manage same old migrated users and new users in new domain using ARS.

    But we need the same policies, workflow ,template in new domain environment instead go to create all these from scratch in new environment.
    we are looking various way or option that it can be possible not getting any confirm way or tested way to perform this in ARS.


  • I need to export the setting,policies,workflow etc ARS objects from existing old domain to new domain environment.

    Actually ,We have a scenario where there is ARS in old domain and managing the uses and domain computer ,Going to create create new domain and forest environment to manage same old migrated users and new users in new domain using ARS.

    But we need the same policies, workflow ,template in new domain environment instead go to create all these from scratch in new environment.
    we are looking various way or option that it can be possible not getting any confirm way or tested way to perform this in ARS.

