$DirObj.get("Virtual Attribute")


Can $DirObj.get(" ") be used to get the value of a Virtual Attribute? I know it can grab SamAccountName etc but not sure about VA.

I need to grab the value of a VA to use in a Powershell script i am running as part of a Workflow. Is looking it up via Get-QADUser the only way? 

Thanks in advance 

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  • To add to Richard's answer, I've found that the line:

    $VAValue = $DirObj.Get("edsvaAttribute")

    may produce a terminating error if the object in question doesn't actually have a value in "edsvaAttribute". At least it's a terminating error in Active Roles scripted policies - I would assume the same for the Sync Service. Hence, you may wish to introduce error handling:

    try {
        $VAValue = $DirObj.Get("edsvaAttribute")
    catch {}
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VAValue)) {
        # Do something if the attribute is null
    else {
        # Something else if the attribute is populated

    Hope that helps!