Create a new managed unit for OU's

Hi, I'm new to AR and was hoping for a little advice if possible.

We've a in the region of 500 OU's and need to create at least two managed units for each one. The managed unit rules will be based on some AR virtual attributes for a region and country.

I am hoping to be able to create the managed units via powershell outside of AR, so that I can follow the process and test before creating all of the MU's

Can anyone please point me in the right direction for this?

Many thanks


  • You can definitely programmatically create MUs.  There is a sample script under the "SDK" folder in your installed AR instance. I would be very hesitant to create 1000 of them as this could have some significant performance implications on the AR admin service.

    Maybe you can tell us a bit about the use case that makes you think you need this many?

  • Thanks Jonny, I've found the relevant script. The SDK folder will definitely be a useful resource.

    The business is a retailer with getting on for 500 stores. They need DL's for each store, region and country.

    At the moment, the only way I can see to do this and ensure new DL's are created when a new store is created is to get AR to create the MU's when a new OU is created for the new store. I have suggested using Entra dynamic groups, but the company is hesitant for that because they use AR for dynamic groups.

  • If each store has its own OU, I would suggest you make a change workflow that reacts to the creation of the store's native OU and provisions the relevant groups for you (via script activity - i.e. scripted creation of AR dynamic groups) based on the name of the OU or whatever other store-specific parameters you want to rely on.

  • If each store has its own OU, I would suggest you make a change workflow that reacts to the creation of the store's native OU and provisions the relevant groups for you (via script activity - i.e. scripted creation of AR dynamic groups) based on the name of the OU or whatever other store-specific parameters you want to rely on.
