Export temporal group members

Hi all,

I need to export a list of all groups with temporal group members, I also need to know the timeframe of the temp. group membership.

I am not that good with PowerShell but I suspect there must be a way? or even over the web interface?

Many thanks,


  • Thanks for other/older posts, i was able to put something together which is working fine for me, I hope someone finds this useful too.
    It creates a CSV of pending "add" and "delete" operations on groups.
    If you need the full DN of the objects, just remove the splits. Feel free to post improvements of this, as I am not a developer, I was just happy it worked somehow for me. Smiley


    $userlogfile = ".\TempGroupMembers.csv"
    $header = "ChangeID;TargetGroup;User;Date;Action"
    $culture = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
    $PendingGroupChanges = Get-QARSOperation -OperationStatus Pending -OperationType GroupMembershipChange -Proxy

    Out-File -FilePath $userlogfile -InputObject $header -Encoding default

    ForEach($PendingGroupChange in $PendingGroupchanges)
    $RAWDate = $($PendingGroupChange.Controls | Where-Object {$_.id -eq "ScheduledOperation-SetTime"}).Value
    $ActionDate = ([DateTime]::ParseExact($RAWDate,"yyyyMMddHHmmss.f'Z'", $culture))
    $Date = $ActionDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")

    If($Actiondate -gt (get-date))
    $ChangeID = ($PendingGroupChange.id)
    $TargetGroup = ($PendingGroupChange.TargetObjectInfo.DN).Split(",")[0].Split("=")[1]
    $Action = ($PendingGroupChange.AttributeChanges.Operation)
    $Users = ($PendingGroupChange.AttributeChanges.values)
    $User = ForEach($User in $Users){$User.Split(",")[0].Split("=")[1] }

    $table = "$ChangeID;$TargetGroup;$User;$Date;$Action"
    Out-File -FilePath $userlogfile -InputObject $table -Encoding default -Append



  • Thanks for other/older posts, i was able to put something together which is working fine for me, I hope someone finds this useful too.
    It creates a CSV of pending "add" and "delete" operations on groups.
    If you need the full DN of the objects, just remove the splits. Feel free to post improvements of this, as I am not a developer, I was just happy it worked somehow for me. Smiley


    $userlogfile = ".\TempGroupMembers.csv"
    $header = "ChangeID;TargetGroup;User;Date;Action"
    $culture = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
    $PendingGroupChanges = Get-QARSOperation -OperationStatus Pending -OperationType GroupMembershipChange -Proxy

    Out-File -FilePath $userlogfile -InputObject $header -Encoding default

    ForEach($PendingGroupChange in $PendingGroupchanges)
    $RAWDate = $($PendingGroupChange.Controls | Where-Object {$_.id -eq "ScheduledOperation-SetTime"}).Value
    $ActionDate = ([DateTime]::ParseExact($RAWDate,"yyyyMMddHHmmss.f'Z'", $culture))
    $Date = $ActionDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")

    If($Actiondate -gt (get-date))
    $ChangeID = ($PendingGroupChange.id)
    $TargetGroup = ($PendingGroupChange.TargetObjectInfo.DN).Split(",")[0].Split("=")[1]
    $Action = ($PendingGroupChange.AttributeChanges.Operation)
    $Users = ($PendingGroupChange.AttributeChanges.values)
    $User = ForEach($User in $Users){$User.Split(",")[0].Split("=")[1] }

    $table = "$ChangeID;$TargetGroup;$User;$Date;$Action"
    Out-File -FilePath $userlogfile -InputObject $table -Encoding default -Append



No Data