In ARS WI, for commands, is there better way to handle 'NOT' clauses for visibility?

9 years ago Sargay (dev) indicated that the condition designer in the web form for commands didn't allow for 'not' conditions in visibility settings -  only true or 'is exactly'

in the intervening years, has this been revisited? Or has anyone come up with a better solution to display or hide a command based on the content of another attribute, where that other attribute could be a false or empty value

Web Interface Custom Command Visibility. 

  • We are actually tracking this issue as Defect ID 442962, but there is no better workaround that I can offer other than something similar to the scripted solution from the thread that you have noted.

    This defect was created recently (late January 2024). Hopefully, this means that this issue will be addressed in a future version of Active Roles so that a scripted workaround is not necessary.

  • We are actually tracking this issue as Defect ID 442962, but there is no better workaround that I can offer other than something similar to the scripted solution from the thread that you have noted.

    This defect was created recently (late January 2024). Hopefully, this means that this issue will be addressed in a future version of Active Roles so that a scripted workaround is not necessary.

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