Delete Script module


We have this BitLocker Recovery Password Viewer Community Add-on that been in our environment for years. We think its causing us some issues and trying to remove it. 

Issue is when we try to do we see the message below. We have been all over our environment and dont see this in use. 

Is there any SQL commands we could run on the DB which might point to where it thinks its being used? 

  • This is now fixed. Had to jump though a few hoops before it finally decided to delete but its now gone 

  • Cool

    For future reference you can use a PS script... something like the below

    $ScriptDN = "Your script name"
    # Get script object
    $Script = Get-QADObject -type edsScriptModule `
                            -LDAPFilter "(distinguishedName=$ScriptDN)" `
                            -SearchRoot "CN=Script Modules,CN=Configuration" `
                            -proxy `
                            -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
                            -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    # Stop if script not found
    If(-not $Script) {Write-Output "Not found - $ScriptDN"; Return}
    Write-output "Found: $($Script.Name) (GUID: $($Script.guid))"
    # Get all APs
    $APs = Get-QADObject -Type edsPolicyObject `
                        -SearchRoot "CN=Administration,CN=Policies,CN=Configuration" `
                        -Proxy `
                        -IncludedProperties edsaAPEList,edsaAPEListXML `
                        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
                        -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    # Get all APLs
    $APLs = Get-QADObject -Type edsPolicyObjectLink `
                        -SearchRoot "CN=AP Links,CN=Configuration" `
                        -Proxy `
                        -IncludedProperties edsvaSecObjectDN `
                        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
                        -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    If(-not $APs) {Write-Output "No APs found containing $($Script.guid)"; Return}
    #Loop thought all the Administration Policies
    ForEach($AP in $APs)
        # Get the xml value from edsaAPEListXML
        [XML]$APEList = $AP.edsaAPEListXML
        # Loop through each parameter value in the XML
        ForEach($Item in $APEList.APEList.ape.parameter)
            # Check if the value contains the scripts guid
            If($Item.value -contains $Script.guid.Guid)
                Write-output "`tAccess Template: $($AP.Name)"
                # Filter the Administration Policy Links, looking for the Administration Policies DN
                $QueriedAPLs = $APLs.where({$_.edsvaAPODN -eq $AP.dn})
                # Loop though each APL
                ForEach ($APL in $QueriedAPLs)
                    Write-output "`t`tAccess Template Linked to: $($APL.edsvaSecObjectDN)"

  • Thanks Stu, Very much appreciated. Will keep this for future reference