Clarify - Change to dynamic group processing in ARS 8.1.4

Asking from anyone that may already know ...

From the 8.1.4 release notes -

Previously, Active Roles forced rebuilding dynamic groups each time a member was added to or removed from the dynamic group.

This issue is now fixed, so Active Roles now rebuilds dynamic groups only if the rebuild is triggered manually or with a Scheduled Task.
ARS 8.1.4 Release Notes

Reading above, if dynamic groups are no longer 'dynamically' rebuilt on add/remove of a member - are the rules still evaluated as to whether or not the new member is accepted or rejected on each change?
If the membership rules are still evaluated for 'new' additions/deletions - is that performed whether the change is made using an ARS interface like web/mmc - or natively and the change is made via dirsync ?

I assume this change is to reduce the clutter in change history related to repeated DG rebuilds ... but we're just looking to confirm real time evaluation of group membership changes to a DG are still enforced timely, with only the complete rebuilds occurring when triggered separately.   This feels like a return to prior behavior.   if these assumptions are true, this is a very good thing.