How often should Azure backsync run?

Is there a best practice or recommendation for how often Azure backsync should run?  

Also, any issue with running the initial pass during the day or should that be scheduled for after hours?   Thank you.

  • This is a classic case of "it depends"

    Does your identity and/or group provisioning originate on-premises or in the cloud?

    What on premises processes (automated or manual - if any) depend on the Azure Object IDs being present on their equivalent objects in Active Roles?

    How time sensitive are those processes?

    When it comes to user provisioning, I usually set things up for my customers (who initially provision in on-prem AD) such that there is no need for back synch for user objects because of the way I have an Active Roles Change Workflow provision the cloud user right after an on-premises user is created - I.E. the Azure Object ID gets written back at the time of provisioning

  • Meant to show you the Update Activity in my Change Workflow that creates the Azure user object by setting some properties on the newly created on-prem user.

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