Workflow and using value generated by rule expression with script


I am currently attempting to write a workflow that would dynamically update the AD attribute "accountExpires" for all users provisioned via our HRIS system.

My idea was to use a workflow to search for any user with an expiring account within 15 days or less. For all found accounts, I would update the "accountExpires" attribute with a date 1-year in the future of whatever the current date is of the accountExpires attribute.

So, if the current date of the "accountExpires" attribute is 05/07/2023, then we would update the value to /05/07/2024.

Within the workflow, I am using a "Search for objects" following by a "Change object properties > Target Properties > Property: "accountExpires" > "Value generated by rule expression".

The problem I am running into is I don't know how to reference the found object. I have tried the following method:

    $user = (Get-QADUser -Identity ($workflow.FoundObject("Search for objects").get("distinguishedName"))).UserPrincipalName

This generated the follow error:

DEBUG:     ! CALL function 'GenerateAccountExpiration'
DEBUG:    5+      >>>> $user = (Get-QADUser -Identity ($workflow.FoundObject("Search for objects").get("distinguishedName"))).UserPrincipalName

  Call '$Workflow.FoundObject'
At line: 5 char:5. You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

Here is the code within the script I am running:

 function GenerateAccountExpiration ()
    $user = (Get-QADUser -Identity ($workflow.FoundObject("Search for objects").get("distinguishedName"))).UserPrincipalName

    $Integer8 = ((Get-ADUser -Filter { userPrincipalName -eq $user } -Properties accountExpires).accountExpires)
    $newExpiryDate = ([datetime]::FromFileTimeUTC($Integer8)).AddDays(365)

I know this script can probably be more efficient, I am just trying to work on a POC at the moment Slight smile

Is it not possible to reference the $workflow.FoundObject values from within a "Change object properties" script?

Thank you!

P.S. Does anyone know how to post screenshots? I saw someone else ask this and they said you can just paste the screenshot in. When I try that the space I am pasting into just gets deleted. Do you have to post screenshots on an external source first?