onGetEffectivePolicy not working or not understanding


I am really new with Active Roles and perhaps I am not understanding well the basics. I have a "Provisioning Policy", I want to check the members for a group when creating the group and when modifying the members.

I am able to to do it on creating with a Powershell script, but it does not check it on modification and I should do it, as fas a I Know.

This is the script:

function onInit($context){

function onGetEffectivePolicy($Request)

if($Request.Class -ne "group"){return}

$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo("member", $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_DISPLAY_NOTE, "Los mienmbros posibles son usuarios y grupos. Los grupos deben empezar por GD_")


function onCheckPropertyValues($Request)

$member = $Request.get("member")

foreach($i in $member)
$Type = get-qadobject -identity $i -proxy | Select-Object -expandproperty Type

if (($Type -ne 'group') -and ($Type -ne 'user'))


$Request.SetPolicyComplianceInfo("Member", $Constants.EDS_POLICY_COMPLIANCE_ERROR, "El miembre del grupo debe ser un usuario o un grupo", $true)

if ($Type -eq 'group')
$CN = get-qadgroup -identity $i -proxy | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
if($CN -notlike 'Prueba*')

$Request.SetPolicyComplianceInfo("Member", $Constants.EDS_POLICY_COMPLIANCE_ERROR, "El nombre del grupo debe comenzar por GR_", $true)





Could you please help me?

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