Disable User trigger in workflow.

I am sure I am missing something simple but I just want a workflow that will move  a user to a designated OU when Disabled (and then back again when enabled.

However, I cannot get this to trigger. I have set the following 

Operation that starts this workflow: Modify properties

Wokflow start upon a request for change In: Account Is Disabled (edsaAccountIsDisabled)

The initiator conditions are Any User and there are no filtering  Conditions. 

This does not trigger, I have the logic to move the object, but it wasn't firing so I put a notification as the first step and I do not get it.

Where did I go wrong?


  • Thanks, I accidentally omitted the word "Not" as in tworkflowes are not constrained....but thanks for the validation

    I changed the workflow to look at changes to UserAccountContol,but still not firing.  Is there a log that can be examined to see what it is doing in the background?

  • Thanks, I accidentally omitted the word "Not" as in tworkflowes are not constrained....but thanks for the validation

    I changed the workflow to look at changes to UserAccountContol,but still not firing.  Is there a log that can be examined to see what it is doing in the background?

  • Hey clavin, 

    it looks like I had the same issue last week working on 8.0.1. That was not the first workflow I created which contains disabling objects in AD, so I knew it had to work. 

    I simply deleted the workflow and created it from scratch and it started working for me. A few frustrating hours but it should work. 

    You can see in the Windows Event Viewer what AR is actually doing. It will descripe step by step what it is doing and which workflow it starts etc.