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ARS 7 Custom SQL Port

I'm trying to install ARS and connect to our SQL instance. The port for the server isn't the default 1433. I found some documentation to put SERVERNAME, portnumber but it fails instantly when I do it this way.

  • Hi,
    Can you please tell me , What was the issue in the replication and how it is resolved?
    using a database connection string like this:


    When attempting to configure the second Active Roles node, the configuration wizard in the Active Roles Configuration Center fails to connect to the Management History database. The wizard and Active Roles Configuration Center logging both show that the required port is being stripped from the connection string.

  • Hi,
    Can you please tell me , What was the issue in the replication and how it is resolved?
    using a database connection string like this:


    When attempting to configure the second Active Roles node, the configuration wizard in the Active Roles Configuration Center fails to connect to the Management History database. The wizard and Active Roles Configuration Center logging both show that the required port is being stripped from the connection string.

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