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ARS 7 Custom SQL Port

I'm trying to install ARS and connect to our SQL instance. The port for the server isn't the default 1433. I found some documentation to put SERVERNAME, portnumber but it fails instantly when I do it this way.

  • Hi, there was an issue i know when deploying ARS 7.1 (not sure if this affects ARS 7.2) with using the configuration center to set the Non-Standard port for the MH Database, basically the configuration center stripped the port that was specified from the connection string when you got to that screen for the MH database and did not allow you to change it. Fortunately you can use PowerShell to do everything you can do in the configuration center with the service which allows you to specify a port with no issues,

    One thing to note with replication using non-standard ports, the setup requires some additional configuration. I've found possibly the simplest was is to create SQL Aliases and assign the Non-Standard port to those as well allowing replication to Occur. You may have issues during the initial replication setup through ARS using non-standard ports, there is probably a way around it but i've resorted to setting up replication using port 1433 then changing it back to the non-standard port after replication is configured since doing this can all be scripted.

    Good Luck!

  • Hi, there was an issue i know when deploying ARS 7.1 (not sure if this affects ARS 7.2) with using the configuration center to set the Non-Standard port for the MH Database, basically the configuration center stripped the port that was specified from the connection string when you got to that screen for the MH database and did not allow you to change it. Fortunately you can use PowerShell to do everything you can do in the configuration center with the service which allows you to specify a port with no issues,

    One thing to note with replication using non-standard ports, the setup requires some additional configuration. I've found possibly the simplest was is to create SQL Aliases and assign the Non-Standard port to those as well allowing replication to Occur. You may have issues during the initial replication setup through ARS using non-standard ports, there is probably a way around it but i've resorted to setting up replication using port 1433 then changing it back to the non-standard port after replication is configured since doing this can all be scripted.

    Good Luck!

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